Rutger Heymann


Rutger was born in Amsterdam, Holland. When he was 5, his parents moved to Chicago, then to Houston, Texas. Rut's dad was a scientist and Rutger grew up in a science-filled household. He went to Rice University in Houston. Rut worked all types of jobs from a paper-route in 5th grade, waiting tables and construction work in college, and architectural drafting and design.

After graduation, he moved to California and worked for a number of years for management consultants. One of his jobs took him to Hewlett-Packard, where for the next 4 years he worked for both HP's litigation section, and for HP's senior finance and credit attorney, the first female lawyer at HP. She encouraged Rutger to go to law school, and in 1997 he entered Santa Clara University School of Law.

While at Santa Clara Law School, Rutger developed a taste for Plaintiff's cases as a law student volunteer at the East San Jose Community Law Center. He helped represent clients in sex harassment cases, wage and hour claims, immigration law and consumer fraud claims. After graduating in 2000, Rutger passed the bar and practiced employment law for clients ranging from store clerks to high profile corporate executives. These cases involved discrimination, harassment, retaliation, wage and hour violations and whistleblower complaints. In 2011, Rutger opened his own office exclusively devoted to employees.

Rutger is a member the California Employment Lawyers Association (CELA), the California State Bar Labor and Employment Section, and the Santa Clara County Bar Association's Labor and Employment Section.

Rutger is married and has two children. Rut loves surfing, camping and road biking (the kind without the motor), and doing homework with the kids.

Practice Areas

  • Employment Law 95%

Bar Admissions

  • California, 2001

Professional Associations

  • California Employment Lawyers Association, Member
  • California State Bar, Labor and Employment Section
  • Santa Clara County Bar Association, Labor and Employment Section

Pro-Bono Work

  • East San Jose Community Law Center, Student Volunteer

Current Employment

  • Owner/Principal Attorney

Past Employment

  • Law Offices of J. Michael Bewley, Associate, 2001 to 2008
  • Phillip J. Griego & Associates, Associate Attorney, 2008 to 2010
  • Hewlett-Packard, Litigation Paralegal


  • Santa Clara University School of Law, Santa Clara, California
    • J.D. - 2000
  • Rice University, Houston, Texas
    • B.A. - 1982